Luminus and Boondoggle support Belgians with their energy transition

Luminus is not only an energy supplier and producer, but also an expert in solutions to facilitate the energy transition for individuals and companies in Belgium. To get that message across, Luminus and its agency Boondoggle have launched a new campaign that breaks with the industry's usual codes. No film clips or speeches suggesting that the energy transition is child's play, but rather an ecosystem (including TV spots, OLV, (D)OOH, social media, ...) with a common starting point: the energy transition raises questions for many of us and creates doubt and reflection.

How can I save energy? How can I reduce my carbon emissions? Is it smart to have solar panels installed? The campaign shows a number of people, each in their own way, wondering how to accelerate their energy transition. Luminus reassures them with its expertise and tailored solutions to help them move forward, each at their own pace and level. The campaign perfectly matches Luminus' tone and humor, in which we discover how a baby and a yoga instructor think about the energy transition.


Client team: Bart Swings, Pierre-Anne Jacqmain, Marleen Nijsten
​Account team: Laurie Parres, Anne-Lore Vestraets, Antje De Laet & Janiek Weijen ​
​Strategy: Stijn Cox & Franky Willekens
​Creative Directors: Stéphane Daniel & Hugo Battistel ​
​Creation: Stéphane Daniel, Hugo Battistel, Avi & Magnus, Tom De Vliegher ​
Motion design: Anne-Sophie Cayon & Dorien Bradt
Design: Léa Bouissou
Planning: Karine Uytterhoeven ​
Producer Boondoggle: Bérengère Lurquin ​
Production: Who Killed Joe
External producers: David Vermander & Nikki Michiels
Director: Trevor McMahan
Photographer: Antoine Melis
Sound: Raygun

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About Boondoggle

Boondoggle is a full-service digital native creative and customer experience agency, employing over 60 people in Belgium. With holistic brand building approach at its core, Boondoggle delivers creativity through advertising campaigns, digital media and marketing services, integrated with innovative digital products and services. The agency brings together smart people from diverse disciplines to make this happen - including writers, service designers, art directors, UX specialists, brand strategists and developers. 

Boondoggle has a combination of international and local clients, including Beobank, Luminus, Danone, Nomad Food Group, Achmea, NATO, Bancontact Payconiq Company, Stellantis Finance, BioBest, AstraSweets, Trends/Tendances, NCOI, ADESA, TWEGOS, Federale Verzekeringen et Jacqmotte. Boondoggle’s promise is “Together Beyond”. 

Boondoggle's belief is that collaboration is the key to creating meaningful brands, products and services and the agency strives to work together with its clients to take them beyond.


Havenkant 6, bus 508 3000 Leuven Belgium

+32 486 25 92 17