Boondoggle and bpost make end of year SMS personal again.

In July, bpost asked Boondoggle to promote the sending of letters and cards. 92% of Belgians love receiving a letter or card in the mailbox, after all. But actually going out and sending them appears to be a step too far. Just because it is easier to communicate via e-mail, SMS or your favourite social network.

From receiver to sender

An image campaign that shows just how wonderful it is to receive a card would miss the point: we know we can make someone happy by sending them a card, yet we hardly ever do so. That’s why Boondoggle and bpost decided to shift the focus to the sender. Not by saying how nice it is to receive a card from them, but by making it even more fun to send one. And this at a time when everyone is guilty of sending impersonal best wishes: the end of the year.

From SMS to SMS card

Last year, 96,1 million SMS messages were sent on New Year’s Eve. And 50% of Belgians have admitted to frequently sending a random, impersonal SMS to their contact list. That’s why Boondoggle and bpost thought of a temporary new product: the SMS card. An SMS that is sent as a real card, with your personal wishes printed on it. An original alternative to the routine SMS. And above all, the ideal way to position bpost in the digital world.

New SMS language

For the design, Boondoggle and bpost were inspired by classic SMS lingo, with an end-of-year twist. Six cards were made, each with a unique emoticon on the back. Examples include the SMS angel, the SMS reindeer and the SMS fire arrow.

The campaign before the campaign

To announce the SMS card, Boondoggle and bpost opted for a combination of TV, DM, sampling and mobile postering. In the television campaign, Belgians are confronted in a funny matter with their massive SMS consumption on New Year’s Eve, while a step-by-step demo demonstrates how the SMS card works. And thanks to sampling and direct mail, the consumers can discover for themselves how much fun it is to receive such a card.

How do you send an SMS card?

Simply by sending an SMS to 3031 with the word ‘kaartje’ and following the instructions. Within 3 working days after sending the SMS, the SMS card will land in the recipient’s mailbox. Sending an SMS card costs 1,20 €. As easy as an SMS, but far more original. The campaign runs from December 15 until January 7.


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About Boondoggle

Boondoggle is a full-service digital native creative and customer experience agency, employing over 60 people in Belgium. With holistic brand building approach at its core, Boondoggle delivers creativity through advertising campaigns, digital media and marketing services, integrated with innovative digital products and services. The agency brings together smart people from diverse disciplines to make this happen - including writers, service designers, art directors, UX specialists, brand strategists and developers. 

Boondoggle has a combination of international and local clients, including Beobank, Luminus, Danone, Nomad Food Group, Achmea, NATO, Bancontact Payconiq Company, Stellantis Finance, BioBest, AstraSweets, Trends/Tendances, NCOI, ADESA, TWEGOS, Federale Verzekeringen et Jacqmotte. Boondoggle’s promise is “Together Beyond”. 

Boondoggle's belief is that collaboration is the key to creating meaningful brands, products and services and the agency strives to work together with its clients to take them beyond.


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