Boondoggle recruits behind the adblocker

Thursday November 19 - Boondoggle is looking for reinforcement. And to find the right people for the job, the agency is launching a remarkable campaign on Belgium’s biggest marketing and communication websites: a banner that’s only visible to people who use an adblocker.

One would think adblockers are public enemy n°1 in the advertising world. And yet a lot of publicity agents use one themselves. Roughly 10% of all visitors on blocks ads.  

“We think those are exactly the people that want to do things differently. Just like us”, says Creative Director Sam De Vriendt. “We prefer to build brands around innovative services that are really useful.”

To reach this target audience – the adblocking ad people – Boondoggle installed a plug-in on, and that makes it possible to show adblock users a message nonetheless. This was the message: “You block ads, even if you work in advertising? Then maybe you’re the person we’re looking for.” The banner links to all vacancies at Boondoggle.


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About Boondoggle

Boondoggle is a full-service digital native creative and customer experience agency, employing over 60 people in Belgium. With holistic brand building approach at its core, Boondoggle delivers creativity through advertising campaigns, digital media and marketing services, integrated with innovative digital products and services. The agency brings together smart people from diverse disciplines to make this happen - including writers, service designers, art directors, UX specialists, brand strategists and developers. 

Boondoggle has a combination of international and local clients, including Beobank, Luminus, Danone, Nomad Food Group, Achmea, NATO, Bancontact Payconiq Company, Stellantis Finance, BioBest, AstraSweets, Trends/Tendances, NCOI, ADESA, TWEGOS, Federale Verzekeringen et Jacqmotte. Boondoggle’s promise is “Together Beyond”. 

Boondoggle's belief is that collaboration is the key to creating meaningful brands, products and services and the agency strives to work together with its clients to take them beyond.


Havenkant 6, bus 508 3000 Leuven Belgium

+32 486 25 92 17