Boondoggle says Beep Beep hurray for the Payconiq by Bancontact app

In the beginning of February, Bancontact Payconiq Company celebrated the second birthday of the Payconiq by Bancontact app. The perfect moment to thank their users for their trust and to anticipate community feeling. Boondoggle effectuated this by using the 2020 fun facts about the app.
Did you know …
- Most beeps were for online shopping?
- People spent on average 46,22 EUR per payment with the app? That’s about 21 medium fries.
- In 2020, about 6 million payments were made between friends, family and even colleagues? Because beeping is more fun with two.
The campaign exists of online vertical video and will make use of sequential video’s, so the users will see as many fun facts about the app as possible.
Happy beeping birthday!
Client: Bancontact Payconiq Company
Client contacts: Nathalie Vandepeute, Lotta De Meulenaere, Anouck Deschilder
Agency: Boondoggle
Creatie: Wouter Vochten, Jannes Deschacht, Lesley Dewilde, Claudia De Greef
Design & Motion Graphics: Frederik Draulans, Fries Vansevenant
Creative Director: Jorrit Hermans
Strategie: Stijn Cox
Account: Anne-Lore Vestraets, Sophie Gravensteyn
Digital media strategie: Jesse Abeloos
Afmixing audio: Cobra, Christophe Cossement