A small gift sets so much in motion. With that baseline, Bancontact Payconiq Company launches the second edition of Scan for Change, in partnership with 28 charities, the King Baudouin Foundation and Boondoggle. With this action, Payconiq by Bancontact – the payment app – wants to make it easier to support charities in Belgium with small amounts. Because with one simple scan, you can easily donate €2 with the Payconiq by Bancontact app.

You can choose out of six themes: child welfare, mental wellbeing, health, equal opportunities, animal welfare and nature. All these themes cover multiple charities, among which the gifts will be distributed. Every cent goes directly to the charities.

The campaign is running from October 7, digitally as well as in print: the QR codes will be visible on the dedicated website, on social media and in different newspaper ads. The themes are represented in a visually attractive way by means of illustrations.



Creative: Jorrit Hermans, Wouter Vochten, Jannes Deschacht, Frederik Draulans, Riene Reynders, Lesley Dewilde, Dorien Bradt, Stefaan De Vos, Michel de Schauwers
Illustrations: Sören Selleslagh
Animations by Volstok
Website built by Boondoggle CX
Strategy: Stijn Cox
Digital Media Strategy & execution: Frig Stroobants
Account team: Anne-Lore Vestraets, Sofie Jossart
Client team: Lotta de Meulenaere, Marie-Isabelle de Potter


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Over Boondoggle

Boondoggle is een creatief full-service communicatie en customer experience agentschap dat een zestigtal mensen tewerkstelt. Met een holistische merkenbouwers aanpak aan de basis, levert Boondoggle zowel merkstrategie als reclamecampagnes, digitale media- en marketingdiensten als innovatieve digitale producten en diensten. Het agentschap brengt vakmensen van diverse disciplines – copywriters, service designers, art directors, UX-specialisten, merkstrategen, developers, … – samen om dit mogelijk te maken.

Boondoggle beheert een portfolio van internationale en lokale klanten zoals Beobank, Luminus, Danone, Nomad Food Group, Achmea, NATO, Bancontact Payconiq Company, Stellantis Finance, BioBest, AstraSweets, Trends/Tendances, NCOI, ADESA, TWEGOS, Federale Verzekeringen en Jacqmotte . Boondoggle gelooft dat samenwerking de sleutel is tot het creëren van betekenisvolle campagnes, producten en diensten; en streeft naar een partnership met zijn klanten om hen net dat stapje verder te brengen. Together Beyond!


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Havenkant 6, bus 508 3000 Leuven Belgium

+32 486 25 92 17