captures Facebook and Twitter predictions for Tour de France
What is is a website that collects Tour de France predictions sent via Twitter or Facebook and ranks all participants based on the accuracy of their predictions.
How does it work?
No need to log in, no need to sign up. All you should do, is tweet or update your status on Facebook and use our hashtag. captures it. You can check your scores and ranking on
You can also use our wizard to create your tweet or Facebook-status by clicking on the "Submit your prediction"-button for each stage.
How do I start?
For starters, a Twitter-account or Facebook-account might come in handy, as your predictions should be sent as a tweet or as a Facebook status update.
You can use our wizard to create your tweet or Facebook-status by clicking on the "Submit your prediction"-button for each stage.
Or simply use the following syntax in your message: #sportbeats #tdf #stage: #cyclist where you need to define the stage using the code "#PRO" for prologue, "ST1" for stage 1, "ST2" for stage two and so on. Identify the cyclist using his first name-initial and his lastname in full writing e.g. L_ARMSTRONG for Lance Armstrong. So a working example would be: #sportbeats #tdf #ST8: #L_ARMSTRONG.
No need to log in, sign up or pay a fee. Just tweet or send a Facebook status update.
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